
Cody - the dog days are over

Main Presenting Partner

We're incredibly proud to have strong partners on our side, helping to present this film. Qualipet has a history in supporting rescue projects in Romania and therefore has been the ideal partner for this film.

Read more on Qualipet here

This realisation of this film has only been made possible due to the generous support of


Territorio de Zaguates

We thank our top Crowdfunding donators for their incredible support and gratitude for a good cause. Thank you!!!

Karin Isler / Simone Schälchlin-Frank / Mia Brunner-Schwer / Regula Gysin / Men-Andri Benz / Benjamin Gentsch / Paolo de Martin / Martin Ackermann / Nina Lewenhaupt / Helen Wormser

On our Crowdfunding or by donating EUR 30.-- directly to our account, you have the opportunity to become a donator and have your name featured here on our donators section. We appreciate every support. Without you guys this film wouldn't be possible.

Here are the people who subscribed for the option to get their name on our website. Thank you for that!

Peter Farrell Jana Frangi / Deborah Windisch / Annette Siegl / Carolyn Pearson / Claudia Baumann / Leata Kollaart / Mirko Bischofberger / Brigitte Chopard - Acklin / Philip Stalder / Claudia Mai / Lili Bienz / Nicole Radinger / Beatrice Imfeld

We're also very proud to have a Crowdfunding Supporters Community who have opted to give their name to the credits when the film is finished:

Catherine Caversaccio / Verena Schläfli / Pauline Saglio / Alain Bellet / Nadine Gruber / Daniela Steiner / Andy Villiger / Dudu Fischer / Eva Kohli / Vivian Crettol / Tanja Bachmann Barredo / Julienne Pfeil / André Gerber / Marina Gschwind Grieder / Jenny Billeter / Andrea Lang / Urs Bänninger / Laura Lienhard / Christian Schlumpf / Jenny Broere / Lara Foldvari / Howie Nordstrom / J Tennent / Chogaia (Aoki) Cristina Longueira / Lukas Schuler / Kristina Bier / Alex Burton-Keeble / Petra Klavehn / Marina Wunderlin / David Urbansky / Sarah Jessica

And we have a proud list of Crowdfunding Executive Partners:

Mirjam Heller / Alexander Fritschi / Carlo Roggli / Nadia Zanchi / Marc Both / Mathias Steinauer / Peter Luisi / Serge Hermann / Judith Lichtneckert / Nicolas Ribaut / Michael Rohner / Lorenza Schlatter / Martin Koller / Rémy Boileau / Ellen Weigand / Barbara Angelsberger / Silvana Wunderlin / Michel Mathieu / Nils Wimmersberger / Lea Dahinden / Martina Brokhof / Lukas Rieder / Catherine Mueller / Franziska Engel / Dorothea Buchser / Thomas Fürbringer / Andreas Schenker / Fabiola Monigatti / Christof Moser

Despite our massive list of support, we are still paying back our expenses from the film. If you wish to support us financially, you're very welcome to do so.

You can donate directly to our bank account. Please find the details below:

"Cody - the dog days are over"

Bank: UBS Switzerland AG (80-2-2)


For donations in Swiss Francs: IBAN: CH15 0023 0230 6674 9901 L

For donations in Euro: IBAN: CH97 0023 0230 6674 9960 H

Payment to: Buzzinho Codestar Productions GmbH, Martin Skalsky, Langstrasse 136, 8004 Zurich - Switzerland

You can also use PayPal to donate. Please send your donation to our PayPal account:

For further details or any questions regarding donations please contact us!

Please write an e-mail to Martin Skalsky -